The Photo Club Palmarino, hereafter CFP, is currently one of the most famous and important photographic associations in Italy.
It started in May 13, 1975, 44 years ago, by Mr. George Brigatti (first President), Mr. Gino Ottomeni, Mr. Alcide Muradore and a few other enthusiasts photographers from Palmanova (Palmarini).
Over the years it has trained in photography dozens of members, offering space for exhibitions and photographic contests (many at international level), photography courses and workshops, photographic markets, educational and informational events and much more.
Following Brigatti, for more than thirty years, the President of the Association was Mr. Gino Ottomeni, today today still in charge as Honorary President.
Over the years, from just being a local Photo Club, the Palmarino has become a reference point for many photo enthusiasts from all over the region and beyond, and some members even come from Veneto, and from outside Itlay.
The presidency is now entrusted to Mr. Luigino Snidero, vice president is Mr. Matteo Bordignon; the Executive members are: Mr. Alberto Missana, Mr. Marco Manzini, Mr. Paolo Cecotti, Mr. Felice Cirulli, Mr. Marco Barghini, Mr. Stefano Rossi, Mr. Boris Nanut and Mr. Andrea Furlan, Secretary is Miss Katalin Burany, while the Treasurer of the CFP is Mr. Roberto Paravano.
General data:
Members: average value is 90 members/year (95 in 2019).
Photography / Editing Courses each year: about 350 participants, 65 in 2017 (between January and April).
CFP adhere to FIAF (Italian Federation of Photographic Associations).
CFP works with Mental Health Centre of Palmanova (events, special courses in photography).
CFP collaborates with Academy New Experience Palmanova Theatre.
CFP collaborates with Nova Ludica for “Cosplay” events.
CFP has its own online forum with 1000 members (
CFP has its own blog, to publish interviews, reviews, technical articles and more (
Social: CFP is involved in social with dimportant onations (CRO Aviano and Avos, no-profit organization).
Meetings: every Monday, with planning, average presence of 25 people, with peaks of 50.
Social Dinner: every year, in January.
800 Kg food from CFP to Avos charity, Cividale del Friuli
Last years activities:
September 2011: Still life course with photographer Gabriele De Nardo (at the CFP headquarters)
November 2011: day trip to Modena, Ansel Adams photo exibition (40 participants).
January 2012: event with underwater photography Italian champion Michele Davino (at PAOV)
May 2012, photo workshop to the Sibillini Mountains.
October 2012: “Friulian Dolomites, the voices of silence” book and slideshow by Luciano Gaudenzio (at PAOV).
October 2012: “Winter Thoughts” (Yachts and Lombardi, at PAOV)
November 2012: event with the photographer and video maker Carlo De Agnoi (at PAOV).
February 2013: presentation of the book “Oasis” (Cattaruzzi, at PAOV).
March 2013: audiovisual course by Carlo De Agnoi (at the CFP headquarters)
May 2013: CFP event “Ísland – stories of water and ice” (at PAOV)
September 2013: CFP event in collaboration with Cultural Centre Settetorri of Tavagnacco and sponsored by the City ( at Auditorium Feletto Umberto).
October 2013: collective photo exhibition at the “Autumn Festival” in Feletto Umberto.
November 2013: orientering course with APRD Nordic walking Buttrio.
November 2013: presentation of the book “Loves Me Loves Me Not” (by De Agnoi, at PAOV).
November 2013: “ARCTOS.01” – Bears by Nico Zaramella (at PAOV).
May 2014: collective photo exhibition at Airport FVG, Ronchi dei Legionari.
November 2014: “Among the stones, earth and water” by Sergio Vaccher (at PAOV).
November 2014: “30” by Andrea Pozzi (at PAOV)
November 2014: “Cansiglio, the silent music of the forest” by Paul Toffoli (at PAOV)
March 2015: presentation of the book “Beautiful nature of North America” by Bartoloni (at PAOV)
March 2015: CFP event at the camera club “El Bragosso” in Caorle.
May 2015: event with the CFP’s audiovisual at PAOV.
May 2015: Canon seminar at PAOV.
May 2015: “Chasing the light roadshow” by international photographer David Noton (sold out Ristori theater, 450 people).
September 2015: event with the CFP’s audiovisual (Aula Magna School Small, Cividale).
November 2015: “The nature at the foot of Grappa” by Valter Binotto (at PAOV).
November 2015: “Journey to the Dolomites” by Marco Dian (at PAOV).
November 2015: presentation of the book “Beautiful nature of Africa” by Bartoloni (at PAOV).
February 2016: Book presentation “Carnia, emotions casket” by Bano and Da Pozzo (at Rosazzo Abbey).
March 2016: CFP guest of the 15th Diaponatura Festival in San Dona di Piave.
April 2016: event with the CFP’s audiovisua in Burano (Venice)
April 2016: workshop in Burano (Venice)
April 2016: presentation of the book “Land of Africa” by De Monte and Morgante (at Rosazzo Abbey).
May 2016: “Photographers in TOUR” group exhibition and audiovisul in Palmanova.
May 2016: the audiovisual by CFP, Photo Festival Oasis of Marano Lagunare.
September 2016: exhibition “Naturalmente FVG” and stand on the occasion of the 3rd International Photo Contest “BioPhotoFestival” in Budoia.
October 2016: exhibition at the “Autumn Festival”, in Feletto Umberto
October 2016: CFP event in Mestre, guests of Effemme (Fotoamatori Mestrini) photoclub
November 2016: big event “TIMELESS” by international photographer Rafael Rojas (Theatre G. Modena, Palmanova).
20/01/17: Collective exhibition @ Caffè Emopoli, Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO)
18/02/17: Special event with Luigi Piccirillo in Manzano (UD) together with Pro Loco and AFNI
22/04/17: Collective exhibition @ Museo di Storia Contadina – Fontanabona (UD)
20/05/17: Models shooting day in Manzano, with SME and Pro Loco
22/05/17: CFP meets Andrea Pizzal
05/06/17: Social project “Alzhaimer”
12/06/17: CFP meets Daniela Del Fabro
19/06/17: CFP meets Riccardo Martinuzzi
30/06-02/07/17: Photo Contest “The Game Fortress” – Palmanova
25/08/17: CFP Slideshow in Piazza Grande, Palmanova
18/09/17: CFP meets Giacomo Renier
21-24/09/17: “ FVG Orchids” Collective exhibition @ BioPhotoFestival in Budoia (PN)
October 17: Photo Contest “Palma alle Armi”
16/10/17: Event “from Time to Time” with Alberto Missana,
02/11/17: Photoshow 2017 with Marco Colombo (Modena Theater, Palmanova)
03/11/17: Photoshow 2017 with Marco Ronconi (Modena Theater, Palmanova)
04/11/17: Photoshow 2017 with Dreamerlandscape group (Modena Theater, Palmanova)
29/01/18: Event in memory of Alessandro Laporta
10-11/17-18/02/18: Photo Contest “Festival delle Mongolfiere, Udine Fiere”
26/02/18: Event “law & photography”, tutor Tony Rigo, lawyer
03/03/18: Event “Image reading” tutor Tullio Fragiacomo
14/04/18: Evening with n Photoclub Grča, Kočevje (SLO) in Manzano (with AFNI and Pro Loco)
12/05/18: Short Drone Photography course, tutor Andrea Crevatin (with SME)
19/05/18: Models shooting day in Manzano, with SME and Pro Loco
27/05/18: Music & Photography event «With a little help from my friend» in memory ofi Alex Laporta, in Paderno
24/08/18: CFP Slideshow in Piazza Grande, Palmanova
01/09/18: Collective exhibition @ Centro Commerciale Friuli, Tavagnacco “un mondo in miniatura
17/09/18: CFP meets Oliviero Masseroli
06/10/18: CFP slideshows @ Ristori theater in Cividale (UD) with UTE
22/10/18: CFP meets Eleonora Oleotto,
01-03/11/18: Collective exhibition @ polveriera Napoleonica Palmanova: “Palmanova tra storia a memoria”,
02/11/18: Photoshow 2018 with Luciano Gaudenzio and Daniele Lira
03/11/18: Photoshow 2018 with Massimo Tommasini: “Stanley Kubrick fotografo” (afternoon)
03/11/18: Photoshow 2018 with Ferdinando Scianna (evening)
23/11/18: CFP Slideshows @ CAI Tarcento